IFTA tax rates change nearly every quarter. The 3rd quarter of 2020 is no different.
Several large jurisdictions have made significant changes. Some rates are up and some are down. Below we have listed everything you need to know about the 3rd quarter IFTA rate changes.
Check the list to see if your base jurisdiction has adjusted its IFTA rates.
3rd Quarter IFTA rate changes S.No. State Fuel Type IFTA Rate Changes 2nd Quarter 2020 3rd Quarter 2020 1. California Diesel .76 .795 2. Iowa Gasoline .305 .3 Gasohol .29 .3 Ethanol .29 .24 Methanol .305 .3 E85 .29 .24 M85 .305 .3 A55 .305 .3 Biodiesel .295 .301 3. Illinois Diesel .604 .611 Gasoline .524 .531 Gasohol .524 .531 Propane .6 .607 Liquid natural gas .604 .611 Compressed natural gas .483 .49 Ethanol .524 .531 Methanol .524 .531 E85 .524 .531 M85 .524 .531 A55 .524 .531 Biodiesel .604 611 4. Indiana Diesel .49 .51 Gasoline .3 .31 Gasohol .3 .31 Propane .49 .51 Liquid natural gas .49 .51 Compressed natural gas .49 .51 Ethanol .3 .31 Methanol .3 .31 E85 .3 .31 M85 .3 .31 A55 .3 .31 Biodiesel .49 .51 5. Massachusetts Propane .136 .178 Liquid Natural Gas .136 .178 Compressed Natural Gas .136 .178 6. Maryland Diesel .3745 .3705 Gasoline .367 .363 Gasohol .367 .363 Propane .367 .363 Liquid natural gas .367 .363 Compressed natural gas .367 .363 Ethanol .367 .363 Methanol .367 .363 E85 .367 .363 M85 .367 .363 A55 .3745 .3705 Biodiesel .3745 .3705 7. Michigan Diesel .373 .379 Gasoline .338 .371 Gasohol .338 .371 Propane .373 .379 Liquid natural gas .373 .379 Compressed natural gas .338 .371 Ethanol .338 .371 Methanol .338 .371 E85 .338 .371 M85 .338 .371 A55 .373 .379 Biodiesel .373 .379 Hydrogen .373 .379 8. Nebraska Diesel .293 .332 Gasoline .293 .332 Gasohol .293 .332 Propane .293 .332 Liquid natural gas .293 .332 Compressed natural gas .293 .332 Ethanol .293 .332 Methanol .293 .332 E85 .293 .332 M85 .293 .332 A55 .293 .332 Biodiesel .293 .332 9. New York Gasoline .405 .391 Gasohol .231 .217 Propane .405 .391 Ethanol .405 .391 Methanol .405 .391 M85 .405 .391 A55 .405 .391 10. South Carolina Diesel .22 .24 Gasoline .22 .24 Gasohol .22 .24 Propane .22 .24 Liquid natural gas .22 .24 Compressed natural gas .22 .24 Ethanol .22 .24 Methanol .22 .24 11. Virginia Gasoline .162 .212 Gasohol .162 .212 Propane .162 .212 Liquid natural gas .183 .239 Compressed natural gas .162 .212 Ethanol .162 .212 Methanol .162 .212 E85 .162 .212 M85 .162 .212 A55 .162 .212 What is the 3rd quarter IFTA deadline?The 2020 3rd quarter IFTA reporting deadline is November 2, 2020, since October 31 is a weekend.
You need to generate your IFTA report before the deadline, file it with your jurisdiction, and pay your tax owed to avoid penalties.
Generate your report with ExpressIFTAOur sister-product ExpressIFTA makes IFTA reporting easy! Their system takes all your mileage and fuel information and generates automatically calculated reports and/or worksheets that you can use to file with your base jurisdiction.
They take into account all IFTA rate changes for your base jurisdiction and calculates your owed tax for you. Plus, ExpressIFTA accepts bulk data upload from spreadsheets and GPS units, cutting down on your manual data entry!
Their cloud-based solution makes it possible to start entering your data now! Your data will be saved to your account so you can come back and finish at the end of the month.
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