When it's time to file your Form 2290, you have two options available to you: either you can fill out and mail a paper copy, or you can e-file.
Here at ExpressTruckTax, we believe that e-filing your Form 2290 is the superior option. And we're not alone – the IRS recommends e-filing over paper filing.
Here's what you need to know about filing your Form 2290.
Paper filingWhen you paper file, you will be entirely on your own while filling out your 2290. You just have the complicated IRS instructions and whatever resources you can scrounge up on the internet.
You are entirely responsible for getting the information correct. If you make any errors, there's no one check for mistakes.
Further, once you're done, you'll have to send your Form 2290 return to the IRS by mail and they will have to process it by hand. All told, that process can delay your stamped Schedule 1 by several weeks.
And if the IRS rejects your return, you might not have enough time to refile before the deadline.
E-filingWhen you e-file your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax, you will be walked through a simplified, interview-style process that makes filing easy. We also have a wealth of resources and a 100% US-based customer support team to guide you through the process.
When you finish entering all your information, our system will do an automatic audit of your return to check for common filing errors.
Then, once you transmit your return, you will receive instant updates on your IRS status. Most of our clients get their stamped Schedule 1 back in a matter of minutes.
Plus with our ExpressGuarantee, we guarantee that the IRS will accept your return and you will get your stamped Schedule 1, or your money back. We will work with you to correct any errors you might have.
E-file your 2290 with ExpressTruckTax todayThe entire e-filing process takes less than 5-minutes when you have all your information on hand and we offer one of the lowest prices in the industry (pricing starts at just $9.90 for a single vehicle).
File your Form 2290 today!
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